JMMG Consulting
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Find a solution fitted to your needs.
Good protocols, better results, best understanding.
During my research works within the University of Burgundy, then joining innovative companies and european research programs, I felt like technology was often taken for granted and considered a magical tool. There is no such thing.
LiDAR, Photogrammetry, Laser scanning, and geophysics in general are not only a trend : they are the future of scientific documentation and if properly understood may give results of an unexpected quality.
It is my daily work to help scientists, unfamiliar with these new technologies (yes, because we can't possibly know everything!), to establish reliable and easy-to-use protocols in order to acquire, process and use high quality datasets.

Julien Guery
Geoarchaeologist specialized in microtopography through LiDAR and Photogrammetric solutions, I'm here to make a bridge between what you need and what technology can provide.